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Our Services

At Clarity Data Insights we provide services that support several key sales and marketing use cases. Our advanced analytics services, using knowledge graph and AI technologies, enable a unified view of your data and uncover actionable insights to move your business forward. Here are just a few areas where we can help your teams deliver greater value to your organization by harnessing the power of your data.


Customer Journey Mapping

Customer Journey Mapping is the process of visually representing and analyzing the steps a customer takes throughout the customer lifecycle. This mapping aims to understand the touchpoints, experiences, motivations, and barriers that customers encounter, providing businesses with insights to optimize the customer experience improving customer acquisition, retention, and advocacy.


Journey and path analysis generates actionable insights, enabling businesses to fine-tune their strategies, remove barriers, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Clarity can help you:


  • Pinpoint critical touchpoints that impact customer experience

  • Identify causes of customer churn 

  • Optimize marketing strategies 

  • Guide customers smoothly through the buying process

  • Increase customer loyalty and advocacy

  • Improve customer lifetime value (CLV)

Content Marketing Strategy and Optimization

Your content marketing strategy is the blueprint guiding the creation, publication, and distribution of useful and relevant content and programs to attract, engage, and convert target audiences. Optimizing your strategy involves refining this content based on feedback, performance metrics, and evolving business goals to maximize its effectiveness and return on investment.


Journey and path analysis provides a more granular understanding of how users interact with content over time. This insight helps businesses craft content strategies that align with actual user behavior, optimizing for engagement and conversions.

Clarity can help you:


  • Understand the sequence of content interactions 

  • Identify drop-off points

  • Maximize user engagement or conversion

  • Discover which content most frequently precedes a conversion

  • Refine where and how you distribute content

Image by Joe Yates

Multi-touch Attribution Modeling

Multi-touch attribution is the process of attributing the value of each touchpoint in a customer's journey toward conversion. Rather than giving all the credit to the last touchpoint (as in last-click attribution), multi-touch attribution looks at the entire journey and assigns value to each touchpoint based on its importance in driving a conversion.


Using knowledge graph technologies for multi-touch attribution provides a deeper understanding of the customer's journey, highlighting the value of each interaction. These insights inform marketing decisions, ensuring that each dollar spent delivers the highest possible impact.

Clarity can help you:


  • Understand and optimizing complex customer journeys

  • Identify high-value touchpoints

  • Uncover lesser-know, but impactful, touchpoints

  • Refine marketing budget allocation

  • Personalize customer interactions

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